Adding and Editing Key Pointers to Contracts

Learn how to add and edit key pointers manually to your contracts.

Key pointers are essential for organizing and managing contract information effectively. Here's a guide on how to add and edit them within your SpotDraft repository:

Adding key pointers manually to your contracts

To manually add key pointers, follow these steps:

Step 1: In your SpotDraft repository, access the ”Manage” folder from the left navigation bar.

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Step 2: Select ”Key Pointers” from the available options.

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Step 3: Choose the specific contract type where you want to add key pointers.

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Step 4: Choose between "General" or "Lifecycle," then click "+ New Key Pointer" at the bottom.

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Step 5: Fill in the required fields like key pointer name, type, and description. Click “Save” when done.

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Step 6: Your new key pointer will be visible under the respective contract type.

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Editing existing key pointers in a contract

To edit key pointers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the "Manage" folder on your SpotDraft repository.

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Step 2: Choose "Key Pointers" from the list.

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Step 3: Select the contract type you wish to edit key pointers for.

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Step 4: Hover over the key pointer to be edited, and click the pencil icon that appears.

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Step 5: Make the necessary edits and save the key pointer.

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Last updated on December 28, 2023