Bulk Uploading eStamps in SpotDraft

This article will guide you through the process of efficiently uploading eStamps in bulk to your SpotDraft stamp inventory.

What is Bulk Uploading?

Bulk uploading allows you to add multiple eStamps to your SpotDraft stamp inventory at once. This feature saves you time and effort compared to uploading each stamp individually.

How to Bulk Upload eStamps

  1. Navigate to Stamp Inventory:
    • Click "Manage" in the navigation bar.
    • Select "Stamp Inventory" under "Contract Attributes”.

  2. Review Existing Stamps:
    • In the "Inventory Status" section, you'll see a list of previously uploaded eStamps along with their available quantities.

  3. Click "Upload Stamps": To add new eStamps, click the "Upload Stamps" button.

  4. Select Stamp Details:
    • The "Upload" modal will appear, allowing you to specify the state and denomination of the stamps you're uploading.
    • Ordered Inventory: For an ordered inventory, only one state and denomination can be uploaded at a time.

  5. Choose Files:
    • Click "+Select Files" to choose the stamp files from your local system or drag and drop them into the modal.

  6. Upload: Click "Upload" to add the selected stamps to your inventory. Your stamps are now ready for use!

Additional Tips:

  • File Format: Ensure the stamp files are in a compatible format for SpotDraft.
  • Stamp Organization: Keep your stamp inventory organized by state and denomination for easy access.
  • Quantity Management: Keep track of your available stamp quantities to avoid running out.

If you have any questions about bulk uploading eStamps or need further assistance, please consult our Knowledge Base or contact our support team.

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