Microsoft OneDrive

Get your executed SpotDraft contracts auto-uploaded to OneDrive in seconds

In this article: You’ll delve into the seamless integration between SpotDraft and Microsoft OneDrive, revolutionizing contract management. Seamlessly save executed contracts to OneDrive for better organization and collaboration, ensuring efficiency and security throughout the process.

🛠️ Integrating SpotDraft with Microsoft OneDrive

Seamlessly save executed contracts to OneDrive for better organization and collaboration.

📄 Index:

🚀 Introduction

Enhance your contract management experience with SpotDraft's integration with OneDrive. This strategic collaboration brings together the precision of SpotDraft's contract execution with the reliability of OneDrive's storage solutions, simplifying your contract handling process. The integration is designed to provide an automated, efficient system for the management and accessibility of your contract documents.

Once a contract is executed within SpotDraft, the integration efficiently generates a PDF version and synchronizes it to a designated folder in OneDrive. This streamlined process is focused on ease of use and efficient management.

Key Features of the Integration:

  • Centralized Contract Repository: OneDrive acts as a secure and accessible location for all your contracts, ensuring easy management of your contract portfolio.
  • Automated File Organization: Upon execution, SpotDraft automatically places all contract PDFs in the OneDrive folder specified, ensuring that contracts are stored in their designated location. The filenames are automatically set in a clear and identifiable format: 'Contract Type - Counterparty Name - Unique ID'. This logical naming convention makes finding and organizing contracts straightforward and efficient.
  • Streamlined Sharing and Collaboration: Utilize OneDrive’s advanced sharing and collaboration tools to facilitate teamwork and communication, while maintaining comprehensive control over contract access.
  • Robust Security and Automated Backups: In addition to OneDrive’s security protocols, the integration incorporates SpotDraft’s automated backup system, guaranteeing that your contracts are stored securely and backed up consistently for extra protection.

This guide will lead you through the setup process of this integration, enabling you to fully leverage these features for a more organized, efficient, and secure contract management system

📝 Prerequisites

Before installing the OneDrive integration:

  • Have an organizational OneDrive account ready (e.g.
  • Create a parent folder in your Drive root folder to contain contracts
  • Ensure "OneDrive" integration is enabled in your SpotDraft workspace.

⚙️ Installation & Configuration

1 - Login to your SpotDraft workspace and navigate to SettingsIntegrations

2 - Open the Cloud Storage section and select OneDrive.

3 - Open the Setup section and click Connect.

Follow the Setup wizard to:

4. Authenticate your OneDrive account.

4.1 - Click New authentication.

Note. Ensure you’re also signed into MS OneDrive in the same browser.

4.2 - Set the authentication name then click the Create button.

Note. It’s a good idea to be logged to OneDrive in the same browser

4.3 - Click Accept.


4.4 - Click Next.

Note. You can change the Instance to ‘Sandbox’ or ‘QA’ if you prefer to create the integration there before Production.

5. Folder Path where the contracts will be saved

5.1- Enter the Parent folder name exactly as you have it in your OneDrive ensuring to start with /

e.g. /Signed Contracts

Note. The parent name can be anything e.g. ‘Signed Contracts, but it must be in the root of your oneDrive.

5.2 - Click ‘Finish’.

6. After finalizing the wizard by clicking Finish, you will be directed back to the OneDrive Integration page. A confirmation message stating 'Installed Successfully' will appear.

6.1 - To complete the process, simply click the Connect button.

Congratulations. The integration is now complete and all of your executed contracts will automatically synchronize to your OneDrive.

✅ Verification

Once you have installed the OneDrive integration, verifying it is straightforward:

1 - Execute a test contract within your SpotDraft workspace, completing all required fields and signatures.

2 - In your OneDrive account, navigate to the parent folder you designated for SpotDraft contracts e.g. Signed Contracts.

3 - You should see a PDF version of the executed test contract you completed.

4 - Open the PDF and check that it is the expected fully executed test contract.

This validation process will confirm that your integration has been properly set up and contracts are automatically saved to your OneDrive in line with the configuration set.

💬 FAQs

I don't see contracts in my OneDrive folder.

Potential causes:

  • Incorrect Drive account authentication
  • Missing parent folder in the Drive root
  • Parent folder in "Shared" instead of "My Files"
Can I use special characters in filenames?

No, they will be removed per OneDrive conventions.

What permissions are required for the Drive account?

The account will need read/write permissions to add files to the folder.

Can I customize the folder structure?

No, OneDrive does not support customizable subfolders, only a single parent folder.

🏁 Conclusion

With OneDrive integration set up, you can now enjoy a smoother and more organized contract management process. Your team will save time spent on administrative tasks, and have confidence that executed agreements are safely stored and accessible.

Remember, should you encounter any challenges or require further assistance, our team is always ready to support you. We're committed to ensuring your continued success with this powerful integration.

📚 Additional Resources

  • Engaging Your Customer Success Manager for Maximum Value: Discover how to leverage your CSM's expertise to get the most out of your SpotDraft subscription.
  • Integration Guides for Cloud Storage: Explore our guides for integrating SpotDraft with SharePoint, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive, providing insights into other cloud storage integrations available.
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