Filter and Organize your Contracts with Custom Views

Filter, sort, and prioritize contracts based on your specific needs, gaining instant access to the information that matters most.

With custom views, you can:

  • Filter and organize contracts based on any criteria you choose, like type, user, key pointers, and more.
  • Create clear and focused sections within your repository for instant visibility.
  • Tailor your dashboard to your specific needs and workflow.

How to filter and organize your SpotDraft dashboard

To customize your SpotDraft dashboard according to your needs, follow these steps -

Step 1:

Utilize the "Filter" icon to select desired filters (e.g., contract type, users, key pointers) and compile a detailed list of contracts. There's no limit to the filters you can apply.

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Step 2:

Click on 'Save As New View' to rename it as per your requirement for easy reference.

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Step 3:

To reset applied filters, click on 'Reset.' Remember that this action is irreversible and removes all previous filters.

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How to create a new SpotDraft dashboard view

Here’s how you can create a new SpotDraft dashboard view -

Step 1:

Click on "+View" in your SpotDraft repository to create a new dashboard view.

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Step 2:

Select suggested views like "My Contracts" or "Expiring in 30 Days" to filter your dashboard accordingly.

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Example Dashboard:

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Step 3:

To create a new view, click on "+Create new view" and apply desired filters such as key pointers, contract type, etc.

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Step 4:

Save the new view with your desired name for easy access.

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How to duplicate your SpotDraft dashboard view

Duplicate views can be helpful for a number of reasons -

  • Sharing with colleagues without messing with your own setup.
  • Comparing different scenarios side-by-side.
  • Performing targeted actions on specific groups of contracts.

Here’s how to duplicate or clone your SpotDraft dashboard -

Step 1:

Click on any view name (e.g., "All" or "Ongoing"), access the hamburger icon, and click 'Duplicate.'

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Step 2:

Give your new view a unique name for easy reference.

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Note 1: Custom and duplicate views are yours alone - they won't show up in other users' repositories.
Note 2: • Filters are temporary, but custom views are permanent, ensuring you always have quick access to the contracts you need.


1. How to personalize the contract repository grid (add your own status, columns, and more)?

Customize your contract repository grid by following these steps:

  1. Choose the filters you want to display on your SpotDraft repository, such as Contract Type or Contract Users.
  1. Click the 'Save As New View' button and give your customized view a unique name.
  1. Your personalized contract repository grid is now saved.
  1. For additional customization, you can duplicate the saved view and add more filters to streamline your dashboard with the specific filters you want to monitor.

2. Can I delete views?

Absolutely! Click the hamburger icon on the view you want to remove and select "Delete.”

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Last updated on December 28, 2023