How to create a clickthrough

In this guide, we will see how you can create and access the embed code for Clickthrough on SpotDraft.

In this guide, we will see how you can create and access the embed code for Clickthrough on SpotDraft

Here are the steps to create a new Clickthrough on SpotDraft:

Step 1: Click on the “+ Create Clickthrough” button at the top right corner to initiate the creation of your Clickwrap packet.

Step 2: In the “Create New Clickthrough” pop-up add the name and description for the Clickthrough packet. Step 3: Once the Clickthrough packet is established, select “+ Contract” to incorporate standard form agreements into your Clickthrough packet. Step 4: In the HTML editor, input the terms of your agreements, then click the “Publish” button at the right corner of the screen to include the agreement in the Clickthrough packet.

If you wish to add multiple contracts to the Clickthrough packet, repeat the process by clicking “+ Contract” and publishing additional contracts. You can conveniently include up to 10 contracts in a Clickthrough packet.

Step 5: After adding the desired contracts, select “View Snippet Code,” and your code is ready to be embedded into your website. Simply copy and paste it into your web application.

This document serves as a quick guide for the development team to implement the code seamlessly into their website.
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Last updated on December 1, 2023