Manually affixing eStamps

Learn how to manually affix eStamps to your contract

In this guide, we will discover how to manually affix stamps to your contracts Step 1: Open the contract you wish to apply the stamp from the repository. Step 2: Navigate to the "Manage" section of the contract.

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Step 3: Under the contract information card, locate and click on the button labeled “Stamps.”

Step 4: Once the stamp settings card opens, you have the option to upload a stamp from your local system, utilize a stamp from your inventory, or place an order for a new stamp.

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Step 5: After successfully adding the stamp, click on "Upload" to affix it to the contract.

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Step 6: The stamp is now securely attached at the top of the contract, making it ready for users to easily share the document for signing.

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Last updated on August 23, 2023