Setting up a Template From a Document

Learn how to setup your templates using a document and DraftMate plugin.

What is DraftMate AI?

DraftMate AI from SpotDraft is a tool that simplifies the process of converting documents into templates. It automatically suggests contract variables, allowing you to effortlessly create ready-to-use templates in minutes, without any coding knowledge. And the best part? You can use AI directly from your MS Word editor.

To create, prepare, and use templates in the MS Word editor using DraftMate AI, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new contract template using DraftMate.
  1. Prepare your document with DraftMate AI.
  1. Access your contract templates.

Part 1 - Creating a New Template from DraftMate

To ensure accurate suggestions from DraftMate AI, follow these steps -

Step 1

Open your base contract document in MS Word.

Step 2

Open DraftMate, click "New Template" within the window, and name the contract template. In case you don’t want to create a new contract template from scratch, you could choose an existing template from DraftMate.

Note: The contract template name can be edited from your SpotDraft dashboard.

Step 3

Add permissions for different user roles like Creators, Viewers, Suggestors, Editors, and Signatories. Click on “Next” to go further.

Step 4

Set up parties for the contract template, such as your company name, counterparty name, and nature of the company (individual or organization).

You can add more counterparties if desired.

Step 5

The template will show up on your DraftMate, as well as your SpotDraft dashboard for easy access.

Note: If your workspace has not been enabled with the Multi-Party Flag, you will not see the step of configuring the party information.

Part 2 - Prepare your Document for DraftMate AI

Follow these steps to prepare your document for use with DraftMate AI:

Step 1

Go to DraftMate and open the recently created contract template. Click on "Simple Variable" and then "Setup Manually" to add pre-defined variables directly into your contract.

Step 2

In the "Select Variable" section, choose relevant variables from the pre-populated list according to your contract. Some important variables include counterparty name, counterparty address, effective date, termination date, and more. If needed, you can modify the format of the variables.

Step 3

Open the base document in your MS Word editor and enclose your contract placeholders in square brackets "[]".

Example: <<term length>> -> [term length]

How to insert variables into your contract template with DraftMate AI

Step 1

To use DraftMate AI, click on "Get Suggestions" to let DraftMate AI scan the document for variable suggestions.

Step 2

Review the variable suggestions, verify their accuracy, and edit their settings if necessary. In the questions section, verify and modify the questions as needed, and insert the suggested variables and questions.

Step 3

Go back to the main DraftMate window and click on "Signature block." Add signing parties for the signature block and specify the fields for adding signatures. Click on "Insert" to add the signature block to your contract template, and save the document.

Part 3: Accessing Your Contract Template

Now that you have saved your contract template and added contract variables, follow these steps to access your contract template on your SpotDraft application:

Step 1

Go to your SpotDraft account, click on "Settings," and then "Contract Types." Your recently created contract template will be automatically listed here, along with the variables and questions you added.

Step 2

Upload the recently created contract template document from your MS Word editor by clicking on "Upload Document" on the top left-hand side of the screen. After uploading the document, perform a simple sanitation check and click on "Publish."

Step 3

Now, go back to your SpotDraft account, click on "New Workflow," and then "New Contract."

Step 4

Voila! Your newly created contract template using DraftMate AI is now available for use.

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Last updated on July 19, 2023