Setting Up an Intake Form

This guide assists users in setting up Intake Forms. These forms let users gather additional details about third-party or customer contracts during their setup phase. You can utilize this information for conditional approvals or highlighting them as Key Pointers.

Step 1: Create a New Workflow for the Intake Form

  • To quickly search, use 'Cmd+K' (Mac) or 'Ctrl+K' (Windows) and type "Workflow Manager". Click on "New Workflow Configuration". Alternatively, from the sidebar menu, go to Manage > Workflow Manager and click on "New Workflow Configuration".
Notion image

Step 2: Define Workflow Details

  • Click on “Third Party Paper Workflow”.
  • Provide details such as “Workflow Name” and “Workflow Description”. These will serve as identifiers for the Intake Form you are creating.
  • Select the relevant “Linked Contract Types” from the dropdown to specify which contracts this intake form applies to.

Note: A single Intake Form can be linked to multiple Contract types.

  • Click “Create Workflow” to finalize the process.
  • A success notification should appear confirming your Intake Form workflow.

Step 3: Setting Up the Intake Form

After initiating the workflow, the next step is to structure the intake form. This form collects additional details about contracts that are related to the linked contract types. When specific contract types are selected, these questions will appear for the user when uploading a third-party contract for review or signature.

  • Click on “Setup” or select “Setup Intake Form” under ‘Setup Workflow’.
  • Begin by adding a section: Click “+New Section”.
  • Input a "Section Name" to categorize your questions. Each section can include multiple questions. Feel free to create as many sections as needed, each with relevant questions.
  • To add questions within a section, click “+New Question”.
  • To add a question:
    • Enter a "Question title" that provides a descriptive explanation for better understanding.
    • Select a "Question type" that determines the format of the response (e.g., short answer, number, currency, date, etc.).
    • Assign a "Question label" that denotes the nature of the question and aids in formulating logic, setting conditional approvals, or highlighting specific answers as Key Pointers.
  • Click "Create" after setting each question.

Note: You can continue adding questions as needed or initiate a new section and have questions underneath this section.

Add Conditional Logic (Optional)

  • When inserting a subsequent question, you have the option to display this query based on the response to the previous one.
  • To make a question compulsory, toggle the checkbox in the upper right corner of the popup.

Step 4: Publish Intake Form Workflow

Once all questions are configured, follow these steps:

  • Return to the previous screen to view a summary of your setup.
  • Finalize the process by selecting "Publish Workflow".
  • Confirm with “Yes, Publish Workflow”
  • A pop-up should confirm the successful establishment of the workflow, displaying a "Published" status beside the workflow you've just initiated.
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Last updated on September 5, 2023