Setting up SCIM based user provisioning
Obtain the SCIM base URL and Bearer Token from the ‘Security and Identity’ section on SpotDraft.
Log in to []
- Navigate to "Enterprise Applications" in the sidebar.
- Click on "New Application"
- Choose "Create your own application".
- Provide a name for your app and click on "Create".
- In the sidebar, click "Provisioning" to access the application provisioning page.
- You will be on the application provisioning page, click provisioning on the sidebar again.
- Change the provisioning mode from "Manual" to "Automatic".
Update the Tenant URL and Secret Token with the values generated in Step 1.
Edit the attribute mappings:
Click on "Groups" and toggle "Enabled" to "No". Click "Save"
- Click on the Provision Azure Active Directory Users option and scroll down to attribute mappings
- Remove unsupported attribute mappings except for "userName", "name.givenName", "name.familyName", and "title"
- Add a new mapping called "externalId" and click "Save" after updating the mappings
- Customise other options according to your requirements and click "Save". Ensure that the provisioning status is turned on
- Here, the option Sync only assigned users and groups will provision only those users and groups that are added to the app, and, Sync all users and groups will create accounts for everyone.
- In the sidebar, click "Users and groups" and then click on "Add user/group" at the top
- Click "None Selected"
- Add the desired users to the application and click "Select"
- Click on Assign. After the standard provisioning Interval for Azure, the user will be provisioned to SpotDraft
- The users and groups page will be updated
- Go to "Overview" and use the following options as needed:
- Click "Start Provisioning" to sync selected or all users based on the settings. Please note that provisioning may take some time, so check the provisioning interval.
- Click "Stop Provisioning" to halt the process.
- Click "Restart Provisioning" to restart the process if any issues occur.
💡 You can also use the provisioning on-demand option if we want to create a user right away.
STEP 6 (optional):
- Click on "Provisioning on demand".
- Provision the specific user if needed. Note that the user must be added on the users and groups page or the option to sync all users should be selected in the provisioning settings.
- A success message will be displayed once the user is created.
Setting up SAML SSO
Step 1:
Get the SAML Metadata XML file from the ‘Security and Identity’ section on SpotDraft.
Step 2:
Go to Single sign-on and click on Upload metadata file. Use the metadata file you generated in Step 1 and click on ‘Save’.
Step 3:
Click on Download for the Federation Metadata XML.
Step 4:
- Open SpotDraft and navigate to Settings → Security and Identity → SAML
- Paste the values from ‘Step 3’ into the IdP Certificate section at the bottom.
- Click on ‘Save And Enable’.