Compare Contracts

Follow this guideline to compare contracts side-by-side

Compare Contracts

Compare two contract versions to understand changes made after an internal/external negotiation.

Step 1:

On the Summary page for a contract, click on the 3-dot kebab icon and select the ‘Compare’ option

Notion image

Step 2:

In the Compare Contract modal that shows up, choose the original and modified contracts from the version list, or by uploading the document from your device.

Click on the checkbox at the bottom to include comments from both documents as part of the comparison.

Notion image

Hit ‘Compare’


Step 3:

The comparison opens up in a new tab for constant visibility into the summary page and the comparison.

A change summary is listed on the left, with the document on the right.

Any changes crossed out in red have been removed, and those listed in blue have been added to the original document.

Notion image

To save the modified document as the new version, click on “Save as new Version’ at the top right.

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Last updated on November 30, 2023