Generating Reports from the Repository

Create structured, one-time or recurring contract reports with SpotDraft. Review, analyze, and report on contract details easily.

SpotDraft's contract reports provide a user-friendly way to organize and summarize key details from selected contracts, offering a structured overview for efficient review, analysis, and reporting. Users can easily customize reports and access comprehensive, organized information for informed decision-making.

Reports can either be one-time, or recurring. One-time reports are great for ad-hoc data requirements. Recurring reports are great for daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly reminders.

One-time reports

Here’s how to generate one-time contract reports on SpotDraft.

Step 1:

Navigate to your SpotDraft repository, select one or more contracts, and click on 'Generate Reports’ to initiate the report generation process.

Step 2:

Click on “One-time report”.

Step 3:

Select whether you want to generate a single Excel sheet or separate Excel sheets for each contract report. Then, click the ‘Generate’ button.

Step 4:

A loading icon will appear on the right side of your repository, which when clicked will show you the progress of the report generation process.

Step 5: The generated report will be sent to the email address associated with your account. The report will be an Excel file that contains key contract details for the selected contract(s). Download the Excel report.

Step 6:

Once you open the report, each contract type will have a separate sheet with relevant details. The sheets contain listed key pointers as columns, providing comprehensive information for reporting and audits.

Recurring reports

Here’s how to generate recurring reports on SpotDraft.

Note that recurring reports are only available for custom views. If you are on the “All”, “Ongoing”, “Deleted”, or “Clickthrough” views, you will not see the option to generate a recurring report. If you don’t have a custom view, click on “Add view” in the repository to get started.

Step 1:

Navigate to your SpotDraft repository, select one or more contracts, and click on 'Generate Reports’ to initiate the report generation process.

Step 2:

Click on “Recurring report”

Step 3:

Select your desired frequency. Email reports can be scheduled daily, weekly, once in two weeks, or on the first Monday of every month. Note that emails are generated at 7am but may be sent out slightly later.

Step 4:

The generated report will be sent to the email address associated with your account. The report will be a list of at most 30 contracts along with an Excel file that contains key contract details for the selected contract(s). You may either click on the contracts to open them in SpotDraft or you may visit the associated view. To see the associated key-pointers, you may download the Excel report.

Step 5:

Once you open the report, each contract type will have a separate sheet with relevant details. The sheets contain listed key pointers as columns, providing comprehensive information for reporting and audits.

Using Filters to Generate Contract Reports

To generate reports with specific focus areas, use filters. Here’s how:

Step 1:

Navigate to the filters icon on the left of the search bar in your SpotDraft repository.

Step 2:

Select filters like contract type, key pointer, contract users, etc., to create your contract report.

Step 3:

Apply the filters, select contracts that appear with the selected filters, and click on 'Generate Report.'

Step 4:

Choose between one Excel sheet or separate sheets for the selected contract types and click on 'Generate.'

Step 5:

The generated report will be sent to your email address associated with SpotDraft.

Example views that create effective reports

(1) A view of all sales contracts expiring in the next 90 days. This will update everyday as contracts fall within the 90 day window. (2) A view of all employment contracts pending counterparty signature. This will update as contracts keep entering and leaving the pending countersign stage. (3) A view of all vendor contracts owned by a John Doe. This will update as John Doe creates more contracts. (4) A view of all sales contracts that have ARR between $10k and $20k that are in the redlining stage. This will update as new contracts in the ARR range enter or leave the redlining stage. (5) A view of all active employment contracts that have ESOPs. This will update as employees with ESOPs join and leave.


Can I schedule these emails for someone else on SpotDraft? Unfortunately, you can only schedule these emails for yourself today. Support for adding other recipients will be added soon.

Can I create recurring email reports from the “All”, “Ongoing”, or “Deleted” views? No, you will only be able to create recurring reports from custom views. To create a new custom view, click on the “Add View” button on the repository.

I don’t have key pointers entered for my contracts. How can I used this feature? Reports are most effective when you have key pointers available for most contracts. In case you need to populate key pointers, you can try using Smart Data Capture.

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Last updated on March 20, 2024