Performing Bulk Actions on Contracts

Maximize efficiency with SpotDraft's bulk actions feature. Select multiple contracts and perform actions like relating contracts, assigning users, and more.

Bulk actions enable you to select and perform actions on multiple contracts simultaneously.

Here are the steps to perform bulk actions on your contracts:

Step 1:

Hover your cursor over the left corner of a contract listing on the Repository and select the desired contracts for action. Contracts can be selected across multiple pages.

Step 2:

Navigate to the row displaying the number of selected contracts at the top of the screen, below the search box, to view the available actions for the selected contracts. These actions include:

  • Relate contracts: Establish connections between two contracts for enhanced visibility and collaboration. (Note: Limit of two contracts at a time) (Note: Only two contracts can be related to each other at one time)
  • Delete contracts: Permanently remove selected contracts from your repository.
  • Assign business user: Transfer all contract rights to another business user, useful for continuity when the creator is unavailable or has left the organization.
  • Add tags: Categorize contracts with tags for easy identification and grouping.
  • Download contract(s): Allows you to download selected contracts in a docx or PDF format.
  • Perform contract diligence: Conduct detailed due diligence and assessments on selected contracts.
  • Update relation of contracts: Modify connections and associations between contracts for accuracy.
  • Update access: Adjust permissions and access levels for selected contracts to control user interactions.

Step 3:

Choose the desired action for the selected contracts, and the selected bulk action applies to all of them.

For instance, if you want to assign a business user for the selected contracts, click on the icon in the row, type the user's name in the provided box, and click on ‘Next’. Repeat this for all selected contracts, click on ‘Save’, and you've successfully assigned a business user for all the selected contracts at once.

Note: Contracts awaiting signatures or those already signed can only be downloaded as PDFs, as they have entered a read-only mode.
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Last updated on November 28, 2023