Viewing the published version of a workflow

In this article:

You’ll learn how to view the published version of a workflow in Workflow Manager

What is a published version?

Using Workflow Manager, you can make edits to your workflows and save them in a draft version without disrupting the published version. The published version is what business users use to create contracts.

With this feature, you will be able to view all the components of a workflow such as questions, approvals, conditions, and template document, that are currently being used to create contracts.

Accessing the published version of a workflow

  1. Select Workflow Manager from the manage section in the left navigation.
  1. Select a published workflow from the list.
  1. Hit the Kebab Menu button on the top right and click on View Published Version 

Notion Image


Navigating the published version of a workflow

  1. Freely navigate through the workflow and view the components that are currently being used to create contracts.

Notion Image

Note: You will not be allowed to make any changes to your workflow in this view, no changes will be saved


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