Creating a New Contract Type in Your Workflow

Step-by-step guide

This guide walks you through the process of

  1. Creating a new Linked Contract Type during the setup of a new workflow configuration for both template workflow and Third-Party paper workflow.
  1. Creating and linking a new Linked Contract Type to an existing Third-Party Paper Workflow

This feature is particularly useful when you need to incorporate a contract type that does not currently exist in your workspace.

1. Creating a new Linked Contract Type in a new Workflow Configuration for Template Workflow and Third-Party Paper Workflow.

Step 1: Setting up a new workflow configuration

  • Access the workflow manager.
  • Click on ‘+New Workflow Configuration’

Step 2: Add a new contract type in the new workflow configuration page

  • Choose either a Template Workflow or a Third-Party Paper Workflow and enter Workflow Name and description.
  • Begin by entering the name of the Linked Contract Type in the dropdown menu.
  • If the contract type is not in your workspace, the dropdown will suggest creating a new type.
  • Click on Add “Linked Contract Type Name”. For instance, if naming it 'Co-working Agreement', the option will read: Add “Co-working Agreement”.
  • Click on “Create Workflow” to access the side sheet flow, the primary interface for creating a new contract type.

Step 3: Completing the Contract Type Details in the Side Sheet Flow

Contract Type Name: This field will be pre-populated based on the contract type name you typed into the dropdown earlier. You can edit this if needed.

  • Click on “Next”

Next, define Access Controls: Specify who can access this contract type by assigning roles:

  • Read more about access levels here.

- Creator: Authorized to create instances of this contract.

- Editor: Permitted to edit the contract.

- Suggestor: Can propose changes but cannot edit directly.

- Viewer: Allowed to view without editing capabilities.

- Signatories: Officially authorized to sign the contract.

  • Click on 'Next'.

Default Signatories: Assign pre-set signatories for this contract type.

  • Click 'Save' to create the new contract type, that can now used in your workflow.

Note: Steps two and three in the side sheet flow are optional and can be skipped if irrelevant to your contract type. Upon completing the side sheet flow, the new contract type is created and linked to your workflow.

Adding a New Linked Contract Type to an Existing Third-Party Paper Workflow

  • Access the workflow manager.
  • Select an existing Third-Party Paper workflow.
  • Start by typing the name of the Linked Contract Type in the dropdown menu.
  • If the contract type does not exist in your workspace, the dropdown will prompt you to create a new contract type.
  • Click on the prompt in the dropdown to open the side sheet flow, which is the main interface for creating a new contract type.
  • Follow Step 3 from the previous section to complete creating a new contract type via the side sheet flow.

This guide ensures a streamlined approach to adding new contract types to your workflows, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of your contract management processes.

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Last updated on December 20, 2023