Navigating SpotDraft

SpotDraft's navigation is designed to make your contract management experience smoother and more efficient! All your contract actions and shortcuts are now conveniently located on the left side of the screen, allowing you to quickly navigate and perform tasks with ease.


Create or upload new contracts into your SpotDraft repository. Hover over the "New" button to see a menu of workflows.

  1. Template Contracts: Quickly create a standard contract form by filling out a questionnaire.
  2. Campaign Contracts: Send out similar contracts (e.g., employment agreements) in bulk, with personalized data for each recipient.
  3. Express Contract: Send out pre-filled and pre-signed contracts as a link. The document is automatically generated on SpotDraft each time a recipient fills in their information.
  4. Upload third-party contract: Upload a contract for internal reviews, negotiations, and eSignatures.
  5. Send for signature: Upload an already negotiated contract for eSigning.
  6. Import executed contracts: Upload your executed historical contracts to maintain a single, centralized record of all your contracts.


Access your SpotDraft contract repository with a single click. You can also view your saved views here, making it easier for you to reach your contracts faster.

  1. View all the default views such as All, Ongoing, Deleted, etc.
  2. View all your custom saved views


Create and manage your contract settings and attributes. This section is divided into two areas:

  1. Workflow Configuration:
    1. Workflow Manager: Design and customize workflows to streamline your contracting process for template or third-party contracts.
    2. Campaign Manager: Manage your bulk contracting campaigns. Create, trigger, edit, and monitor all your campaigns from this central location.
    3. Clickthrough Manager: Create or update existing Clickthroughs.
    4. Contract Types: Create or manage existing contract types, which are used to categorize and track your contracts.
  2. Contract Attributes:
    1. Counterparties: Add or edit information about your counterparties (the people or organizations you're working with).
    2. Contract Metadata: Define metadata fields that provide a quick overview of your contracts (e.g., deal amount, expiry date).
    3. Clause Library: Store and reuse standard contract clauses, including fallback language.
    4. Stamp Inventory: Manage eStamps (if applicable) for contracts governed by Indian law.


View detailed data points and analysis of your contracting activity in SpotDraft.


Manage your workspace settings, including:

  1. Organization: Manage the details of your organization and legal entities.
  2. Access Control: Manage your members, their teams, team permissions, and contract type permissions.
  3. Developer Settings: Manage your API credentials and webhooks used for external integrations.
  4. Integrations: View and manage from a suite of third-party integrations supported out of the box.
  5. Security and Identity: Manage your authentication and provisioning methods (SSO, SCIM, etc.)
  6. Notification preferences: Manage your email and Slack notification preferences.


Talk to SpotDraft's support team to get help with any questions or issues.

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