Inserting Signature Blocks in Your Templates with DraftMate

Welcome to SpotDraft! We're excited to help you get started with using DraftMate's powerful features to make creating and managing documents even easier.

One of DraftMate's most useful tools is the ability to insert signature blocks into your template documents. This makes it simple and efficient to collect signatures and other important information from the right parties.

Let's walk through the steps to insert a signature block:

Step 1: Open DraftMate.

Open your template document using MS Word and launch the DraftMate plugin

Step 2: Select a workflow.

After logging in, you will see a list of workflows. Pick the workflow you wish to work on.

Step 3: Choose "Signature Block."

After selecting a workflow, you'll see several options, click on "Signature Block."

Step 4: Select the signing parties.

In the "Insert Signature Block" pop-up, you'll be asked to choose the parties who will be signing the document. Simply check the boxes next to the parties' names. Then, select the sign fields you wish to insert. Here is the list of sign fields you will find.

  • Signature: This will display the actual signature.
  • Name: This will display the signer's name.
  • Title: This will display the signer's title.
  • Date Signed: This will display the date and time the document was signed.
  • Initials: This will display the initials of the signer

Step 5: Place your cursor in the document where you want the signature block and Insert.

Simply click in the document where you want the signature block to appear, and click on Insert in DraftMate. The signature block will be added to your document!

Important Note:

Do not move the signature block outside of the table.

This is very important! Moving the signature block outside the table can cause errors when updating your workflow.

Using DraftMate's signature block feature can save you a lot of time and effort when creating and managing documents. You can also use DraftMate for other tasks, such as adding comments and managing revisions.

For more information, explore SpotDraft's help center!

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